More…Much, Much More, Hopefully, Later
Ellie and I have wanted to launch this substack space for a while and now - literally election eve - we realized that there’s about to be a flurry of content and that this is the best way to share.
Who we are, what the purpose is, why the name…all of that hopefully to come. For now, if you’re visiting, SHALOM ALEICHEM! WELCOME! BIENVENU!
Here you will find some of our foundational writing from the past and an ongoing conversation about the present and future for our culture, civilization, country, nation, people.
Immediately after October 7, I was invited to DC by a number of conservative political, and religious leaders to explain what had happened, what to expect, and how to react. In discussing the implications, I articulated the following (to myself and to them) for the first time about the nature of being raised in a deeply traditional subculture in America:
Americans, particularly in Washington, and particularly policy makers, media, and influencers, tend to think of the world in horizons of news cycles and, sometimes, election cycles. Jews, particularly of traditional upbringing and education, tend to think of the world in horizons of empires and millennia.
It has become common over the past few years for conservatives to ask if you know “what time it is.” They mean, “How close is America or Western Civilization to collapse?” What is the distance between the barbarians and our gate (and is the gate still before them or behind them)? Ellie and I have our opinions about that and hope to get into that later. (Actually, I’ll just tell you mine right now: They’re not just through the gate, they’re already sitting on just about every throne that matters and have been for a long time.)
Meanwhile, let’s be American and focus on news and elections - because empires and millennia are, indeed, composed of them, and periodically, they are watershed events as tomorrow will be, one way or the other.
So, if you want to get more: Subscribe now - Ellie and I are looking forward to the conversation!